Daemonique Portrait

Art Filler: Daemonique Portrait

Art Filler: Daemonique Portrait published on

Sorry for the lack of a new comic page lately! I hate to miss several weeks in a row like this. I hope I can catch up soon. In the meantime, enjoy this portrait art of Daemonique! Special thanks, as always, to all of my Patreon supporters, especially Nightstalker, Jack Mitchell, Jared Buniel, Jonathan Davis,… Continue reading Art Filler: Daemonique Portrait

Cover Art for Wulfgard: The Tomb of Ankhu

New Wulfgard Book: The Tomb of Ankhu!

New Wulfgard Book: The Tomb of Ankhu! published on

We interrupt this webcomic to announce the release of a new book, Wulfgard: The Curse of Ankhu! Written by Maegan A. Stebbins with cover art & design by Justin R. R. Stebbins, this novella tells the adventures of Djedar Rath (you may remember him from Chapter 7 of the comic!) as he works with the… Continue reading New Wulfgard Book: The Tomb of Ankhu!