“So You Wanna Be An Adventurer?” (SYWBAA) is a webcomic made from custom LEGO creations that I started in December of 2006. It parodies fantasy clichés, particularly those related to video games and RPG’s. A few of the characters and jokes are related to members of my forums (SSLF), but far less than in The Takeover of Mordark, making the story much easier to follow. The most noteworthy fan inserts are the “Scorpiontowne City Guards,” who are based on my forum moderators at the time. I ceased working on SYWBAA in 2008 due to lack of free time. Despite having big plans for the story, I don’t know if I’ll ever get around to finishing it.
Where would you like to start?
– Act 1: Hell Comes to Breakfast
– Act 2: A Party in Scorpiontowne