Comics set in the medieval fantasy world of Wulfgard –
Into the North, Chapter 5, Page 3
Thanks to my Patreon supporters: Nicholas Randall, Thomas Terrazas, Jared Buniel, and Lucas P.!
and other webcomics by Justin R.R. Stebbins (Saber-Scorpion)
Comics set in the medieval fantasy world of Wulfgard –
Thanks to my Patreon supporters: Nicholas Randall, Thomas Terrazas, Jared Buniel, and Lucas P.!
At long last, Wulfgard: Into the North will continue!
You can thank the supporters of my Patreon for their generous contributions:
We continue our story where Chapter 1 left off, returning to the Wanderer at long last. Depending on where I decide to go from here, the format may change slightly, but I’m excited to finally continue telling this story.